Sunday, August 21, 2011

Making Prayer Bundles

Our first assignment was to make the prayer bundles that we would string in a tree outdoors, or, as I have done, string them above my altar. (There are not many trees nearby & I also rent. The Landlords would not smile kindly upon something they do not understand.)

I'm really glad that this was our first assignment. As I learned that prayer bundles were typically done at the beginning of most any ceremony. As with a lot of things lately, I had all the necessary ingredients on hand to begin the work. This exercise so far has been the easiest one for me to complete.

I began by finding my twine. I had used it to wrap Christmas gifts with and forgotten where I put it! So there was a massive search about the apartment. (It was with the wrapping paper. Go figure. ;)) I had listened to my gut a week prior to signing up for the course and purchased some fabric scraps which were on clearance. (Do we get points for finally listening to our Universal Nudges? We so should.)

I smudged my work area and set to making and praying. I had a lot of fears starting out. The bigger ones being that there's nothing in me worth mining; that I would somehow be rejected from another group in which I so desperately wanted to be a part of; that I wouldn't get anything 'right' and this whole experience would be a waste of time and money, and that I wouldn't find what I was looking for.

Writing down the fears and the worries, and then reading them aloud, it really seems so silly. What do I have to be afraid of? Really? Absolutely nothing! I trust in the magic, in the Universe, in myself. I also trust in the other women in the circle and our gracious leader, Pixie. I trust in the circle, and that is all that I need.

I put all those fears out into the bundles and prayed for them to be assuaged but the Spirit. Once finished I hung them above the altar in my bedroom which faces East. (I'll talk about my altar a little later.) The string wasn't long enough to go from one end of the window pane to the other, so I took tacks and pinned it to my curtain. (My curtains have been through much worse, I am sure. They did survive me in college. :) )

All in all I was very pleased with the experience and with the outcome. I love waking up each morning and seeing my prayer bundles swaying there in the breeze. I think about how silly it is to be afraid sometimes, and about how many other women are waking up and looking at their own prayer bundles with the same love and adoration.

We are all tied together anyway, aren't we?

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