Saturday, February 4, 2012

In Praise of Hibernation

fairytale pathway

Only the first week in February and we haven't had the slightest bid of cold, (read: FREEZING), weather since mid-January. The weather here in southern Virginia seems almost tropical.

Except for today; today it's been rainy and meh. So, Amazonian weather, perhaps?

Anyway. Whatever the weather it is still winter. I've been staying in more and more this year than any other winter before. I'm not entirely sure why, only that my body keeps telling me that I need my rest. Truly the only way to keep me indoors and in solitude is to suddenly be beaten in the head by the sandman. For instance, I slept a solid nine hours last night- followed by a two hour nap.

See what I mean? Crazy, right?

At first I was fighting it all the way. I had plans! There are things to be done! I need to get outsideeee while it's so pretttyy outtt! Whinneee! 

Body: "Hahaha! Uh, no." *THWACK!* "Go back to bed! You need your beauty rest. No, really."

Mind: Whimpers and surrenders.

Hibernation has been good for me in a lot of ways though. I'm reading more books now, which is wonderful since my bookshelves are overflowing with ones I haven't read yet. (I once set a rule that I couldn't buy a new book until I had read one I already owned. Guess how long I stuck to that one? Three days.) 

There has also been a lot of experimental baking and cookery going on in my nest. Gluten/Dairy free popcorn chicken, anyone? (YUM.) 

I haven't been a complete lazy bum. Weekly outings to Zumba class and doing my own weight lifting routine have preventing me from getting "Bear Butt". 

All in all, I kind of love me some hibernation! 

How are you guys holding up through the winter? 


  1. Yes - hibernation! lol you had me giggling over your 'bear butt' line - I need to get off the computer and walk - which I try to do - with Mr. Mozi daily - but...butt.... :) We've had all sorts of colds, viruses - so it's been a slow and under the covers kind of winter season...thank goodness for Downton Abbey....yummy for this Mama Bear
    bear hugs!

  2. Oh my dear Beth Bear! Hope you all feel better soon! I haven't seen Downtown Abbey- YET! I keep hearing such good things about it! Shall have to make that part of my hibernation. ;)
    Bear Hugs & Otter Wiggles! xo!
